Thursday 25 October 2012

The Phonetic Alphabet

The Phonetic Alphabet

Hi all, surprised to see this title in a technical blog like this...., this post is to guide our viewers who are planning/pursing their career in BPO industry or where your voice and accent maters a lot.  

The phonetic alphabet is a very easy to learn and can be immediately employed in a variety of circumstances in order to facilitate improved communication.  Particularly in regard to conveying domain names and passwords via telephone.  The phonetic alphabet is designed to alleviate any confusion on similar sounding letters, such as: B, D, P, T, etc.  Especially these days with Voice Over IP telephone systems, sometimes the call quality can be lacking in clarity and the use of the phonetic alphabet can be the difference between clear and concise communication and total frustration on both ends of the line.

A – Alpha
B – Bravo
C – Charlie
D – Delta
E – Echo
F – Foxtrot
G – Golf
H – Hotel
I – India
J – Juliet
K – Kilo
L – Lima
M – Mike
N – November
O – Oscar
P – Papa
Q – Quebec
R – Romeo
S – Sierra
T – Tango
U – Uniform
V – Victor
W – Whiskey
X – X-ray
Y – Yankee
Z – Zulu

Use of the phonetic alphabet basically consists of replacing the letter you want to say with the actual word from the list above.  So, “A – B – C” is thus said “Alpha – Bravo – Charlie.”  It’s as easy as that!
Next time you find yourself on the phone with native english speaker, consider using the phonetic alphabet to assist with better understanding his/her issue or ticket upon first hearing; 
If you have any suggestions or pro-tips for improving communication, please share them with us in the comments.

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