Wednesday 19 March 2014

FAQ on RAM - Random Access Memory

Q. What happens to a data file in RAM if your computer loses power ?

A. A data file in RAM when the computer loses power just goes away forever. It cannot be retried, because RAM is a temporary spot and not a permanent location.

Q. What is the role of RAM in a computer?

A. The RAM is the temporary memory used to load the OS and other programs and applications while he PC functions. It is a dynamic memory which can read and write data ( does both) as far as the power is ON. And the processor accesses it to receive any particular data required to be processed and it stores temporarily the data that we input when a particular program runs ( the input we give).

The BIOS which boots the PC and searches and loads the OS to the RAM does it from ROM which is a computer chip on which the data is stored permanently on it and cant be modified i.e., nothing can be written into it after the initial software for booting is loaded into it and stays there permanently.

Q. Can a computer function without RAM?

A. The functioning of the RAM in a computer is of immense importance. The function of the RAM is mainly important as all programs, operating systems, applications and software must be loaded onto the Random Access Memory before they are used. All computer functions rely on the capacity of the RAM. The name of the entity itself, Random Access Memory, shows the various functions and the various aspects with which it is related. The name explains that all of the things loaded on to the memory can be randomly accessed. Without loading things onto the memory, they cannot be accessed on the computer. Without the RAM, there is nothing that you can do on the computer. A computer without RAM is worth nothing.

Q. What is the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit OS ?

A. The terms 32-bit and 64-bit refer to the way a computer's processor (also called a CPU), handles information. The 64-bit version of Windows handles large amounts of random access memory (RAM) more effectively than a 32-bit system.

Quick Bites:

To install a 64-bit version of Windows, you need a CPU that's capable of running a 64-bit version of Windows. The benefits of using a 64-bit operating system are most apparent when you have a large amount of random access memory (RAM) installed on your computer, typically 4 GB of RAM or more. In such cases, because a 64-bit operating system can handle large amounts of memory more efficiently than a 32-bit operating system, a 64-bit system can be more responsive when running several programs at the same time and switching between them frequently.

See you all soon....

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