Friday 14 December 2012

6 Trickiest Interview Questions and How to Nail Them

6 Trickiest Interview Questions and How to Nail Them

by Derek Loosvelt 
Published: Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Guesstimates and brainteasers are two types of interview questions commonly asked by Wall Street firms, consulting firms, and tech firms. They're also the types of questions that can make or break an interview. Which means you better know how to prepare for them as well as how to nail them.
To that end, the first rule of guesstimates and brainteasers is there are two types of wrong answers: the random guess and giving up. The second rule is interviewers, in asking these questions, are trying to gauge your composure, thoughtfulness, and creativity, but not necessarily your ability to get the right answer. In fact, with respect to guesstimates—questions that ask you to come up with a figure, usually the size of a market or the number of objects in an area—interviewers themselves don't always know the exact answer. Thus, the best approach for a guesstimate question is to think of a funnel: begin by thinking broadly, then slowly narrowing down the situation towards the answer.
As for brainteasers—questions such as "Why are manholes round?" (see No. 5 below) that might not have a definite answer—the best approach is think aloud. This will enable interviewers to hear your thought process. Of course, this might seem unnatural at first, but it's absolutely essential in order to prove your analysis. Think of a high school calculus test where you're awarded partial credit by showing your work.
In any case, below are six of the trickiest guesstimates and brainteasers in the interview business, along with how to answer them. Chances are if you know how to deal with these, you'll know how to deal with others like them.
1. If I give you a traditional two-sided scale along with nine, similarly-sized balls—eight of which are of equal weight, one of which weighs less than the rest—how many times do you need to weigh the balls to determine which is the lighter one?
The purpose of this brainteaser is to challenge your process-of-elimination skills. Most people immediately think three times, but the answer is actually two. How you get to that answer is like this: First, you put six balls on the scale, three on each side. If the lighter one is in one of these two groups, you'll know because one side will be heavier. If not, both sides will weigh the same, and you'll know the lighter ball's in the final group. Whatever the case, you'll weigh two balls (one on each side) from the lighter grouping (either the three balls not weighed in the first weighing, or the lighter three in your first weighing). If the two balls are of equal weight, the light ball is the odd one out. If they aren't, you already know the answer: the one that's higher in the air.
2. How many square feet of pizza are eaten in the United States each month?
This is a classic guesstimate question where you need to think aloud. And so first off you round the U.S. population to 300 million people (it's actually about 315 million but rounding will be much easier and your interviewer will not score you lower for rounding). Then estimate how many people eat pizza. A decent educated guess is two out of every three people, or 200 million. Now let's say the average pizza-eating person eats pizza twice a month, and eats two slices at a time. That's four slices a month. If the average slice of pizza is perhaps six inches at the base and 10 inches long, then the slice is 30 square inches of pizza. So, four pizza slices would be 120 square inches (30 times 4). Since one square foot equals 144 square inches (12 times 12), let's assume that each person who eats pizza eats one square foot per month. Since there are 200 million pizza-eating Americans, 200 million square feet of pizza are consumed in the U.S. each month. To summarize: 300 million people in America, 200 million eat pizza, average slice of pizza is six inches at the base and 10 inches long or 30 square inches, average American eats four slices of pizza a month, four pieces times 30 square inches equals 120 square inches (one square foot is 144 square inches), so let's assume one square foot per person, and thus one square foot times 200 million people equals 200 million square feet of pizza a month.
3. If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what's the angle between the hour and the minute hands?
Usually, if the answer to a brainteaser seems too easy, chances are the answer's wrong. And in this case, the answer is not zero degrees. The hour hand, remember, moves as well. That is, in addition to the minute hand. And so, at 3:15, the hour hand and the minute hand are not on top of each other. In fact, the hour hand has moved a quarter of the way between the 3 and 4. This means it's moved a quarter of 30 degrees (360 degrees divided by 12 equals 30). So the answer, to be exact, is seven and a half degrees (30 divided by four).
4. How would you estimate the weight of the Chrysler building?
This is a process guesstimate where the interviewer wants to know if you know what to ask. First, you would find out the dimensions of the building (height, weight, depth). This will allow you to determine the volume of the building. Does it taper at the top? (Yes.) Then, you need to estimate the composition of the Chrysler building. Is it mostly steel? Concrete? How much would those components weigh per square inch? Remember the extra step: find out whether you're considering the building totally empty or with office furniture, people, etc. If you're including the contents, you might have to add 20 percent or so to the building's weight.
5. Why are manhole covers round?
This is a classic brainteaser, which was reportedly first asked by a Microsoft interviewer. Here's how to "solve" this brainteaser (remember to speak and reason out loud while solving this brainteaser): Why are manhole covers round? Could there be a structural reason? Why aren't manhole covers square? It would make it harder to fit with a cover. You'd have to rotate it exactly the right way. The pipes below are also round, so fitting them might be easier, as might be making them. So many manhole covers are round because they don't need to be rotated. There are no corners to deal with. Also, a round manhole cover won't fall into a hole because it was rotated the wrong way, so it's safer. Looking at this, it seems corners are a problem. You can't cut yourself on a round manhole cover. And because it's round, it can be more easily transported. One person can roll it.
6. If you have seven white socks and nine black socks in a drawer, how many socks do you have to pull out blindly in order to ensure that you have a matching pair?
The answer is three: if the first one is one color (say, white), and the second one is the other color (black), then the third one, no matter what the color, will make a matching pair. (Sometimes you're not supposed to think that hard.)

In three years from now, what role will IT be playing?

In three years from now, what role will IT be playing? Bask Iyer shares findings from Juniper's recent study that explains how IT professionals can shift from a support role to becoming an engine of business growth. Watch it here..

Windows Task Scheduler

Hi all,

Lets learn what is "Windows Task SchedulerMicrosoft Windows includes a Task Scheduler utility that allows you to run programs automatically at a specific time and at a set interval.  This is useful for scheduling important administration tasks such as Windows Backup.

To create a new scheduled task, click on Start.
Select Control Panel.
Select Switch to Classic View.
Double-click the Scheduled Tasks Folder.
Select the Add Scheduled Task Icon.
The Scheduled Task Wizard will appear. Click on Next to continue.
Select the Application from the list, if the application is not on the list then click on Browse.
For the sake of illustration the Windows calculator has been selected. Click on One time only to specify that this task should run once only.
Click on Next to continue.
Select a start date and time and click Next.
When the task starts it will run as if it was started by the displayed user. This can be changed here if needed, e.g. An administrative task may need to use the Administrator Account. Click on Next to continue.
Click on Finish to create the new task.
Right-click on the new task to view its advanced properties.
Select Properties.
The information and user you specified about the Task is displayed in the Task tab.
The Schedule tab can be used to change or fine-tune the time that you specified previously.
Windows Task Scheduler
The options in the Scheduled Task Completed section allows you to delete the task if it will not be run again and specify how long the task should be allowed to run before it is stopped.
The options in the Idle Time section are a way to make use of otherwise non-productive PC time. You can specify how long the computer must be idle before the task begins, and whether to stop the task if the computer ceases to be idle.
Windows also provides a command line utility called AT for scheduling tasks. For more information on the AT utility type “AT” with the “/?” switch from the command prompt.  You can also schedule tasks over the network on remote machines as long as you have permission to do so on that machine. To open the schedule tasks folder on a remote machine type in its UNC path \\computername and open the scheduled tasks folder.

Try and drop your feedback in..........


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Trouble Shooting Tips after Installing a New Hard Drive

Trouble Shooting Tips after Installing a New Hard Drive

Basic Troubleshooting Tips after Installing a New Hard Drive
Based on Seagate IDE hard drives.

If you have installed your drive and it does not function properly, perform the following basic checks:

Warning: Always turn off the computer before changing jumpers or unplugging cables and cards. Wear a ground strap or use other antistatic precautions while working on your computer or handling your drive.

  • Verify compatibility. Verify that the host adapter and drive are appropriately matched to each other and to your computer. Refer to the relevant documentation for details.

  • Check all cards. Verify that all cards are seated in their slots on the motherboard and secured with mounting screws.

  • Check all connectors and cables. Make sure all ribbon and power cables are securely connected. Ribbon cables are easily damaged, especially at the connector. Try a new cable that you know is good. Make sure no connector pins are bent. Verify that pin 1 on the interface cable is aligned with pin 1 on the drive and host adapter (see Figure 2 on page 6).

  • Verify jumper settings. Review the instructions in this guide and in your host adapter installation guide. Make sure all appropriate jumpers are installed or removed as necessary.

  • Check your power-supply specifications. Each time you add a new device to your computer, make sure your cornputer's internal power supply can support the total power demand. If necessary, consult your dealer for a new power supply.

  • Verify the drive-type settings in the system setup program. The drive-type settings in the system BIOS must not exceed the physical specifications of your drive. Also, the settings must not exceed the limitations set by the operating system and BIOS.

  • Check for viruses. Before you use someone else's diskette in your system for the first time, scan the diskette for viruses.

Look for Additional Troubleshooting Tips Soon...

Sunday 2 December 2012

Installing Windows Server 2008

Windows Class Room

Installing Windows Server 2008 is pretty straightforward and is very much like installing Windows Vista, but I thought I'd list the necessary steps here for additional information. For those of you who have never installed Vista before, the entire installation process is different than it used to be in previous Microsoft operating systems, and notably much easier to perform.

Using Vista's installation routine is a major benefit, especially for a server OS. Administrators can partition the system's hard drives during setup. More importantly, they can install the necessary AHCI or RAID storage drivers from a CD/DVD or even a USB thumb drive. Thus, error-prone floppies can finally be sent to the garbage bin.

Note: Windows Server 2008 can also be installed as a Server Core installation, which is a cut-down version of Windows without the Windows Explorer GUI. Because you don’t have the Windows Explorer to provide the GUI interface that you are used to, you configure everything through the command line interface or remotely using a Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

The Server Core can be used for dedicated machines with basic roles such as Domain controller/Active Directory Domain Services, DNS Server, DHCP Server, file server, print server, Windows Media Server, IIS 7 web server and Windows Server Virtualization virtual server. To use Windows Server 2008 you need to meet the following hardware requirements:

Follow this procedure to install Windows Server 2008:

Step 1. Insert the appropriate Windows Server 2008 installation media into your DVD drive. If you don't have an installation DVD for Windows Server 2008, you can download one for free from Microsoft's Windows 2008 Server Trial website.

Step 2. Reboot the computer.

Step 3. When prompted for an installation language and other regional options, make your selection and press Next.

Step 4. Next, press Install Now to begin the installation process.

Step 5. Product activation is now also identical with that found in Windows Vista. Enter your Product ID in the next window, and if you want to automatically activate Windows the moment the installation finishes, click Next.

If you do not have the Product ID available right now, you can leave the box empty, and click Next. You will need to provide the Product ID later, after the server installation is over. Press No

Step 6. Because you did not provide the correct ID, the installation process cannot determine what kind of Windows Server 2008 license you own, and therefore you will be prompted to select your correct version in the next screen, assuming you are telling the truth and will provide the correct ID to prove your selection later.

Step 7. If you did provide the right Product ID, select the Full version of the right Windows version you're prompted, and click Next.

Step 8. Read and accept the license terms by clicking to select the check-box and pressing Next.

Step 9. In the "Which type of installation do you want?" window, click the only available option – Custom (Advanced).

Step 10. In the "Where do you want to install Windows?", if you're installing the server on a regular IDE hard disk, click to select the first disk, usually Disk 0, and click Next.

If you're installing on a hard disk that's connected to a SCSI controller, click Load Driver and insert the media provided by the controller's manufacturer.

If you must, you can also click Drive Options and manually create a partition on the destination hard disk.

Step 11. The installation now begins, and you can go and have lunch. Copying the setup files from the DVD to the hard drive only takes about one minute. However, extracting and uncompressing the files takes a good deal longer. After 20 minutes, the operating system is installed. The exact time it takes to install server core depends upon your hardware specifications. Faster disks will perform much faster installs… Windows Server 2008 takes up approximately 10 GB of hard drive space.

The installation process will reboot your computer, so, if in step#10 you inserted a floppy disk (either real or virtual), make sure you remove it before going to lunch, as you'll find the server hanged without the ability to boot (you can bypass this by configuring the server to boot from a CD/DVD and then from the hard disk in the booting order on the server's BIOS)

Step 12. Then the server reboots you'll be prompted with the new Windows Server 2008 type of login screen. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to log in.

Step 13. Click on Other User.

 Step 14. The default Administrator is blank, so just type Administrator and press Enter.

Step 15. You will be prompted to change the user's password. You have no choice but to press Ok.

Step 16. In the password changing dialog box, leave the default password blank (duh, read step #15…), and enter a new, complex, at-least-7-characters-long new password twice. A password like "topsecret" is not valid (it's not complex), but one like "T0pSecreT!" sure is. Make sure you remember it.

Step 17. Someone thought it would be cool to nag you once more, so now you'll be prompted to accept the fact that the password had been changed. Press Ok

Step 18. Finally, the desktop appears and that's it, you're logged on and can begin working. You will be greeted by an assistant for the initial server configuration, and after performing some initial configuration tasks, you will be able to start working.

Windows Quickstart Quiz

Hi all genius,

Its time, shall we go for the second simple IQ test on your IT knowledge? This time its all about Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Basics. Its fun to test and know where we stand. This evolution taken with serious mind set will improve your knowledge and help in getting a better job in the market.  


Windows Quickstart Quiz

Question 1

The run option from the Start Menu is used to?

A. Shutdown the computer
B. Run diagnostic tests on the computer's hard drive.
C. Run a command
D. Open Program Manager

Question 2

Microsoft Windows XP Professional was built upon and similar to which of the following operating systems?

A. Windows 95
B. Windows 98
C. Windows ME
D. Windows 2000 Server
E. Windows NT4
F. Windows 2000 Professional
G. Windows 2003 Server

Question 3

Which of the following statements describes the roles of an operating system? (Choose all that apply)

A. An Operating System provides the underlying framework upon which other applications can run

B. An Operating System provides all of the low-level functions that allow software to interact with hardware.

C. An Operating System allows the computer to switch on and detect the CPU

D. An Operating System runs on top of other software which provides interaction with the computers hardware.

Question 4

In which version of Windows did the start menu first appear?

A. Windows 2000
B. Windows 95
C. Windows ME
D. Windows 2000
E. Windows 98

Question 5

Microsoft Exchange extends Microsoft Windows Server 2003 by?

A. adding internet-connection/proxy server services
B. providing e-mail services for clients.
C. adding a data exchange layer which can be used to share information with UNIX computers.
D. adding database functionality to the operating system.

Question 6

On your Windows XP Professional computer you have two separate drives: Drive C: and Drive D:. What will be the result of dragging a folder from your C: drive to the D: drive?

A. The folder will be copied from Drive C: to Drive D:
B. The folder will be moved from Drive C: to Drive D:
C. An error message will be raised.

Question 7

File Extension allows Windows to?

A. recognise the memory requirements for the data
B. support large file formats.
C. extend a file by adding graphics and audio to it.
D. recognise which application can read the file.

Question 8

Which of the following statements are true concerning the Windows Desktop? (Choose all that apply)

A. The Windows Desktop is an area of memory used to store application data.
B. Each user of a Windows XP Computer has the same desktop.
C. The Windows Desktop is similar to any other folder on the computer.
D. The Windows Desktop provides a convenient location for storing commonly accessed files, folders and application shortcuts.

Question 9

Microsoft ISA Server extends Microsoft Windows Server 2003 by?

A. adding a data exchange layer which can be used to share information with UNIX computers.
B. adding database functionality to the operating system.
C. providing e-mail services for clients
D. adding internet-connection/proxy server services

Question 10

Microsoft SQL Server extends Microsoft Windows Server 2003 by?

A. adding database functionality to the operating system
B. adding internet-connection/proxy server services
C. adding a data exchange layer which can be used to share information with UNIX computers.
D. providing e-mail services for clients.

Send your answers to :

Subject Line should be: IT IQ 02 - (Your Name)

Make sure your answers reach us before December 15, 2012.

Winner will be awarded with T - Shirt

Note: If the winners is from outside India, he/she will be awarded with a $5 Gift Certificate from

The decision of the judges will be final and binding and no queries shall be entertained. The Employees of J & S Corp can not Participate in this contest. Winner will be decided by lucky draw.